References Detail


created at: 2007-02-13 updated at: 2011-07-09
Media Type: Monograph
Author Deschler-Erb, Sabine
Year: 1998
Title: Römische Beinartefakte aus Augusta Raurica – Rohmaterial, Technologie und Chronologie
Additional Data: Band 2: Katalog
SeriesForschungen in Augst
Volume: 27/2
Printing Place: Augst
ISBN: 3-7151-0027-3
Time Period 0 - 500 AD, 500 - 0 BC
European timeline Roman Time
Super Region Europe
Class of Artefact comb, gaming piece, handle, jewelry, musical instrument, ornament, part of composite object, personal item, pin, tool, weapon, working waste, other
Theme function, typology
Assemblage Type town
Material antler, bone, ivory / teeth
Miscellaneous worked bone
Further Information
Location: Knochenarbeit
Notes: order via
