References Detail


created at: 2008-02-25 updated at: 2015-03-10
Media Type: Monograph
Author Drenkhahn, Rosemarie
Year: 1986
Title: Elfenbein im Alten Ägypten
Printing Place: Erbach
PublisherDeutsches Elfenbeinmuseum
Time Period 500 - 0 BC, 1000 - 500 BC, 1500 - 1000 BC, 2000 - 1500 BC, 2500 - 2000 BC, 3000 - 2500 BC, 3500 - 3000 BC, 4000 - 3500 BC, 4500 - 4000 BC, 5000 - 4500 BC
Super Region Africa
Class of Artefact comb, handle, jewelry, ornament, part of composite object, personal item, pin, religious item, tool, weapon
Theme religion, social identity, style, symbolism, tradition
Material ivory / teeth
Miscellaneous worked bone
Further Information
Location: Knochenarbeit
Notes: exhibition catalogue
