10th meeting Beograd 2014

The 10th meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group has been held from August, 25 to August, 30 2014 in Beograd, Serbia, organised by Selena Vitezović (Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade) in cooperation with the National Museum Belgrade.
The conference was supported by the Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Republic of Serbia and Beta Analytic.

Program and abstracts (pdf 4,6 MB)

2014 beograd poster

Conference poster (pdf 524 kb)

2014 beograd conf pic

Conference reviews:

Hrnčiarik, E. (2014): 10. pracovné stretnutie skupiny „ The Worked Bone Research Group“ v Belegrade. – Informator SAS 25(2), 14-15

Antonović, D. (2015): 10th Meeting of the Worked Bone Research Group of the ICAZ (International Council of ArchaeoZoology) Beograd, 25-30. Avgust 2014. – Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva 31, 413-416 (In Serbian)


Proceedings have been published in the volume:

Vitezović, Selena (2016):
Close to the bone: current studies in bone technologies
Beograd: Institute of Archaeology
ISBN 978-86-6439-006-4

2014 beograd pub cover

Content (pdf 143 kb)

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