The Worked Bone Research Group (WBRG) was formed during an informal meeting of circa 30 specialists organized by Ian Riddler of the Cantebury Trust held at the British Museum London, UK in February 1997.
The proceedings of this first meeting have been published in the volume
Riddler, Ian (ed.) (2003):
Materials of Manufacture: The Choice of Materials in the Working of Bone and Antler in Northern and Central Europe During the First Millennium AD
British Archaeological Reports International Series 1193, Oxford: Archaeopress
ISBN 184171559X
Table of content:
- Gostenčnik, Kordula: Elk Antler as a Material of Manufacture. Finds from Late Republican/Early Imperial ‘Old Virunum’ on the Magdalensberg in Carinthia, southern Austria
- Bendrey, Robin: The Identification of Fallow Deer Remains from Roman Monkton, the Isle of Thanet, Kent
- Bíró, Maria T.: Recycling Worked Bone in Pannonia
- Thuet, Annick: Un atelier de peignes en bois de cerf de la fin de l’Antiquité à Saint-Clair-sur-Epte (Eure)
- Riddler, Ian: A Lesser Material: the Working of Roe Deer Antler in Anglo-Saxon England
- Jennifer Bourdillon: Bias from Boneworking at Middle Saxon Hamwic, Southampton, England
- Riddler, Ian & Trzaska-Nartowski, Nicola: Late Saxon Worked Antler Waste from Holy Rood, Southampton