4th meeting Tallinn 2003

The 4th meeting of the WBRG was held from the 26th – 31st of September 2003 at the Institute of History Tallinn, Estonia. It was organized by Heidi Luik and colleagues.

25 papers were presented together with a large number of posters. Topics and time periods varied widely with a great deal of emphasis on verification of identification by experiment.

Conference program (pdf 64 kb)

Reviews of the conference:
• Luik, Heidi (2003): 4th meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group, 26th–31st of August, Tallinn, Estonia
download (pdf 40 kb)
• Choyke, Alice (2003): Worked Bone Research Group. – International Council for Archaeozoology Newsletter 4(2), 4
download (pdf 40 kb)
• Sidéra, Isabelle (2004): Colloque international sur les objets en matière osseuse. 4e International meeting of the worked bone research group (WBRG). Tallinn (Estonie), 26-31 août 2003. – Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française 101(3), 629
download (pdf 203 kb)



Proceedings have been published in the volume

Luik, Heidi / Choyke, Alice M. / Batey, Colleen / Lougas, Lembi (eds.) (2005):
From Hooves to Horns, from Mollusc to Mammoth – Manufacture and Use of Bone Artefacts from Prehistoric Times to the Present –Proceedings of the 4th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group at Tallinn, 26th–31st of August 2003
Muinasaja teadus 15, Tallinn: Ajaloo Instituut
ISBN 9985-50-383-X


Table of contents (alphabetical by authors)

Title, preface, content, introduction (pdf 1 MB)

The book can be purchased for 20,– Euro + 9,– Euro for postage and packing from the
Institute of History Tallinn
Ruutli 6, 10130 Tallin, Estonia
Payment is possible with bank transfer or cheque.

The book can also bought from Knochenarbeit.