Last Update: January 3, 2025
This is a choice of publications concerned with worked bones.
The database contains: 3107 entries.
Number of selected titles: 159
- Abauzit, P. (2002): Un premier médaillon en bois de cerf dans le département de l'Hérault (F). – Bulletin instrumentum 16, 37
- Abbado, M. (2000): Manufatti in osso e corno. in: Bruni, S. (ed.): Le navi antiche di Pisa. Ad un'anno dall'inizio delle ricerche [The ancient ships of Pisa. After a year of work], 295-306
- Aboltiņš, Viesturs (2018): Cēsu pils arheoloģiskajā materiālā identificētie ziloņkaula priekšmeti. – Cēsu pils raksti 2, 128-173
- Abrams, Grégory (2018): Palaeolithic bone retouchers from Belgium: a preliminary overview of the recent research through historic and recently excavated bone collections. in: Hutson, Jarod M. / García-Morena, Alejandro / Noack, Elisabeth S. / Turner, Elaine / Villaluenga, Aritza / Gaudzinski-Windheuser, Sabine (eds.): The Origins of Bone Tool Technologies, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Tagungen 35, 197-213, Mainz
- Acosta, Alejandro A. & Buc, Natacha (2010): Linking Evidences: from Carcass Processing to Bone Technology. The Case of the Lower Paraná Wetlands (Late Holocene, Argentina). in: Legrand-Pineau, Alexandra / Sidéra, Isabelle / Buc, Natacha / David, Éva / Scheinsohn, Vivian (eds.): Ancient and Modern Bone Artefacts from America to Russia. Cultural, technological and functional signature, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2136, 303-314, Oxford
- Acquaviva, M.-N. (2000): Les ivoires de l'Egypte ancienne. in: Béal, Jean-Claude & Goyon, J.-C. (eds.): Des ivoires et des cornes dans les mondes anciens (Orient-Occident), Collection de l'Institut d'Archéologie et d'Histoire de l'Antiquité Lyon 4, 93-99
- Adams, Bradley J. & Crabtree, Pam Jean (2008): Comparative Skeletal Anatonmy: A photographic Atlas For Medical Examiners, Coroners, Forensic Anthropologists, And Archaeologists
- Adler, Horst (2000): Fundort Kloster – Archäologie im Klösterreich, Fundberichte aus Österreich Materialhefte A 8, Wien
- Affani, Giorgio (2008): Astragalus bone in Ancient Near East: Ritual depositions in Iron Age I in Tell Afis. in: Córdoba, Joaquín M. / Molist, Miquel / Pérez, Maria Carmen / Rubio, Isabel / Martínez, Sergio (eds.): Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, 77-92, Madrid
- Agudo, L. / Duarte, C. / García, A. / Geiling, J. M. / Higuero, A. / Nuñez, S. / Rodríguez, F. J. / Suárez, R. (2018): Actas de las IX Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica
- Aguirre, Emiliano (2006): La industria ósea primitiva de Torralba. – Munibe (Antropologia - Arkeologia) 57/2, 19-52
- Ahlers, Bernhard (1911): Die arktische Fischerei wie sie von der Weser aus betrieben wurde, Nachdruck 1988, Bremen
- Akhmetgaleeva, Natalia B. & Dudin, A. E. (2017): New art artifacts from the Upper Paleolithic site of Kostenki 11, layer 1A: the technological and preliminary functional analysis. – Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes 2, 26-45
- Akhmetgaleeva, Natalia B. / Mashenko, E. N. / Sergin, V. Ya. (2017): Some features of the use of mammoth bones at the site of Gontsy (Poltava Region, Ukraine) according to excavation in the 1970s and '80s. – Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes 2, 86-102
- Akhmetgaleeva, Natalia B. (2010): Technology and Use-wear Analysis of the Non-utilitarian Bones Objects from the Russian Upper Paleolithic Site of Byki-7(I). in: Legrand-Pineau, Alexandra / Sidéra, Isabelle / Buc, Natacha / David, Éva / Scheinsohn, Vivian (eds.): Ancient and Modern Bone Artefacts from America to Russia. Cultural, technological and functional signature, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2136, 211-216, Oxford
- Akkermans, P. A. / Boerma, J. A. K. / Clason, Anneke T. / Hill, S. G. / Lohof, E. / Meiklejohn, C. / le Mière, M. / Molgat, G. M. F. / Roodenberg, Jacob J. / Waterbolk-van Rooyen, W. / van Zeist, Willem (1983): Bouqras Revisited: Preliminary Report on a Project in Eastern Syria. – Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 49, 335-372
- Alaica, Aleksa K. & Bélisle, Véronique (2023): Bone and antler artifact use in the 1st millennium CE of Cusco, Peru: Insights on textile production and food processing from the site of Ak'awillay. – Quaternary International 665-666, 176-186
- Alaica, Aleksa K. / González La Rosa, Luis Manuel / Yépez Álvarez, Willy / Jennings, Justin (2022): The day the music died: Making and playing bone wind instruments at La Real in Middle Horizon, Peru (600–1000 CE). – Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 68
- Alarashi, Hala (2021): New insights into the technological management of the Neolithic cowrie beads in the Levant: An experimental and traceological approach. in: Beyries, Sylvie / Hamon, Caroline / Maigrot, Yolaine (eds.): Beyond Use-Wear Traces: Going from tools to people by means of archaeological wear and residue analyses, Leiden
- Albrecht, Gerd / Holdermann, Claus-Stephan / Kerig, Tim / Lechterbeck, Jutta / Serangeli, Jordi (1998): Flöten aus Bärenknochen – Die frühesten Musikinstrumente?. – Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 28, 1-19
- Albrecht, Gerd (1983): Die Jäger der späten Eiszeit. in: Müller-Beck, Hansjürgen (ed.): Urgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg, 331-353, Stuttgart
- Alcalde, Verónica / Covarrubias, Gabriela / Flores, Carola (2024): Catálogo arqueológico. Anzuelos de concha del norte de Chile: Legado de antiguas comunidades pescadoras, La Serena
- Aldenderfer, Mark / Black, Steven P. / Brkovic, Carna / Chirikure, Shadreck / Hawkes, Jason / Klarich, Elizabeth / Narotzky, Susana / Perley, Bernard C. / Seifert, Donna J. / Strang, Veronica / Zhang, Yinong (2022): Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology, Oxford
- Alexander, J. & Binski, P. (1987): Age of Chivalry. Art in Plantagenet England 1200-1400, London
- Alexashenko, N. A. & Yanshina, O. V. (2017): Stamps for pottery decoration among Ekven cemetery’s toolkit. – Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes 2, 265-277
- Allan, J. P. (1984): Medieval and Post-Medieval Finds from Exeter, 1971-1980, Exeter Archaeological Reports 3, Exeter
- Allen, Michael J. (2017): Molluscs in Archaeology. Methods, approaches and applications 3, Oxford
- Allentuck, A. (2013): Raw Material Availability and Technological Choice: Modified Metapodia from an Early Bronze Age Site in Central Israel. – International Jounal of Osteoarchaeology 23, 379-394
- Almagro-Gorbea, M. & Sesé, G. (1996): La muñeca de marfil de Segóbriga. – Madrider Mitteilungen 37, 170-181
- Almeida Évora, Marina (2013): Raw Material Used in the Manufacture of Osseous Artefacts during the Upper Palaeolithic in Portugal. in: Choyke, Alice M. & O'Connor, Sonia (eds.): From These Bare Bones: Raw Materials and the Study of Worked Osseous Objects, 21-27, Oxford
- Alonso, Émilie (2008): Travail et décor des médaillons en bois de cerf. Analyse et essai typologique. in: Bertrand, Isabelle (ed.): Le travail de l'os, du bois de cerf et de la corne à l'époque romaine: un artisanat en marge? Actes de la table ronde instrumentum, Chauvigny (Vienne), 8-9 décembre 2005, Monographies instrumentum 34, 275-281, Montagnac
- Alonso, Émilie (2006): Les médaillons en bois de cerf de l’est et du centre-est de la Gaule romaine : étude d’après l’ensemble d’Alésia. – Revue Archéologique de l'Est 55, 197-223
- Alram-Stern, Eva & Nightingale, Georg (2007): Keimelion. Elitenbildung und elitärer Konsum von der mykenischen Palastzeit bis zur homerischen Epoche, Denkschriften der philosophisch-historischen Klasse 250, Wien
- Alram-Stern, Eva & Deger-Jalkotzy, Sigrid (2006): Aigeira 1 – Die Mykenische Akropolis, Faszikel 3, Veröffentlichungen der Mykenischen Kommission 24, Wien
- Alt, Kurt W. / Bücker, Ch. / Newesely, H. (1994): Ein Elfenbeinring aus dem völkerwanderungszeitlichen Grab 1 von Mengen-„Löchleacker“, Kr. Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald. – Archäologische Nachrichten aus Baden 51-52, 37-44
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel / Alarcón Garcia, Eva / Moreno, Auxilia / Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, Marta (2024): The worked osseous equipment from the Late Bronze Age cave of Biniadris (Menorca, Spain). in: Lopez-Padilla, Juan Antonio & Provenzano, Noëlle (eds.): Metal and Worked Bone Materials in Prehistoric Europe. From Iberia to the Carpathians, 226-245, Alicante
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2023): Animals as a remarkable source of raw material: Osseous artifacts manufacture in 2nd millennium BC Southern Iberia. – Quaternary International 665-666, 145-159
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel & Alarcón Garcia, Eva (2019): El hueso trabajado en escena: Presentación / Introduction. – Cuadernos de Prehistoria y Arqueología de la Universidad de Granada 29, 7-10
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2019): Maintenance, Inheritance and Memory. V-perforated Ivory Buttons from the Los Castillejos Chalcolithic site in Las Peñas de los Gitanos (Granada, Spain). – Zooarchaeology 3, 29-40, pl. 12-15
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel & Alarcón Garcia, Eva (2018): Bone tools for the deceased: Approaches to the worked osseous assemblage from the Bronze Age funerary cave of Biniadris (Menorca, Spain). – Quaternary International 472, 108-114
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel & Luciañèz-Triviño, Miriam (2016): La industria en hueso del Tholos de Montelirio. in: Fernández Flores, Álvaro / García Sanjuán, Leonardo / Dáz-Zorita Bonilla, Marta (eds.): Montelirio. Un gran monumento megalítico de la Edad del Cobre, Monografías, 273-283, Sevilla
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2014): Not only Bones. Hard Animal Tissues as a Source of Raw Material in 3rd Millennium BC South-Eastern Iberia. – Revista de Prehistoria de Andalucía 5, 43-67
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2014): Hueso, asta y marfil: manufactura de artefactos durante el III milenio a.C. en el poblado de Los Castillejos (Montefrío, Granada). – Saguntum 46, 21-40
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2014): Osseous and Shell Ornaments from the Bronze Age Argaric Site of Cerro de la Encina (Monachil, Granada, Spain). in: Ma, Xiaolin & Hou, Yanfeng (eds.): Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group, Zhengzhou, China, 2013, Zooarchaeology 2, 37-48, pl. 13-14, Beijing
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel / Nájera Colino, Trinidad / Molina González, Fernando (2013): Bronze Age Osseous Projectile Points from the Archaeological Site of La Motilla del Azuer. in: Lang, Felix (ed.): The Sound of Bones. Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group in Salzburg 2011, Archaeo Plus. Schriften zur Archäologie und Archäometrie der Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg 5, 9-24, Salzburg
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2013): Un hacha-martillo sobre asta de ciervo de inicios del III milenio a.C. procedente del poblado de Los Castillejos en las Peñas de los Gitanos (Montefrío, Granada). Estudio tecnológico y funcional. – Antiquitas 25, 23-38, Priego de Córdoba, Spain
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2013): Bronze Age Bone and Antler Working: the Osseous Assemblage from Motilla del Azuer (Daimiel, Ciudad Real, Spain). – Revista de Prehistoria de Andalucía 4, 173-185
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2012): Artefactos óseos del yacimiento de la edad del bronce el Cerro de la Encina (Monachil, Granada). – Arqueología y Territorio 9, 73-94
- Altamirano Garcia, Manuel (2011): Bone industry from the Bronze Age in Central Iberia. The Settlement of La Motilla Del Azuer. in: Baron, Justyna & Kufel-Diakowska, Bernadeta (eds.): Written in Bones. Studies on technological and social contexts of past faunal skeletal remains, 273-284, Wroclaw
- Àlvarez-Fernandez, Esteban / Barrera, I. / Fernández-Gómez, M. J. (2019): Personal Ornaments in Early Prehistory Living Among Personal Ornaments During the Magdalenian: Some Reflections About Perforated Marine Shells in Cantabrian Spain. – PaleoAnthropology 116, 136
- Àlvarez-Fernandez, Esteban (2011): Personal ornaments made from mollusc shells in Europe during the Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic: news and views. in: Cakirlar, Canan (ed.): Archaeomalacology Revisited: Non-dietary Use of Molluscs in Archaeological Settings, 1-8, Oxford
- Àlvarez-Fernandez, Esteban (2010): Shell beads of the last hunter-gatherers and earliest farmers in south-western Europe. – Munibe (Antropologia - Arkeologia) 61, 129-138
- Àlvarez-Fernandez, Esteban (2010): Personal ornaments in Europe during the Solutrean: evidences from Cantabrian Spain. – Sautuola 16, 45-52
- Àlvarez-Fernandez, Esteban (2009): Magdalenian personal ornaments on the move: a review of the current evidence in Central Europe. – Zephyrus 63(1), 49-59
- Àlvarez-Fernandez, Esteban & Jöris, O. (2008): Personal ornaments in the Early UpperPaleolithic of Western Eurasia: an evaluation of the record. – Eurasian Prehistory 5(2), 31-44
- Àlvarez-Fernandez, Esteban (2005): "Éloignés mais pas isolés": la parure hors de la "frontière francaise" pendant le Magdalénien. in: Dujardin, Véronique (ed.): Industrie osseuse et parures du Solutréen au Magdalénien en Europe. Table ronde sur le paléolithique supérieur récent, Angouleme (Charente) 28-30 Mars 2003, Mémoire de la Société Préhistorique Francaise 39, 25-38, Paris
- Amato, Penelope (2010): Sewing With or Without a Needle in the Upper Palaeolithic?. in: Legrand-Pineau, Alexandra / Sidéra, Isabelle / Buc, Natacha / David, Éva / Scheinsohn, Vivian (eds.): Ancient and Modern Bone Artefacts from America to Russia. Cultural, technological and functional signature, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2136, 201-210, Oxford
- Amatt, Masa & Miracle, Preston T. (2006): Bone and Antler Artefacts from Pupicina Cave. in: Miracle, Preston T. & Forenbaher, Staso (eds.): Prehistoric Herders of Northern Istria. The Archaeology of Pupicina Cave. Volume 1, Monografije i Katalozi Arheolski Muzej Istre 14, 401-415, Pula
- Ambrosiani, Kristina (1981): Viking Age combs, Comb Making and Comb Makers in the Light of Finds from Birka and Ribe, Stockholm Studies in Archaeology 2, Stockholm
- Amkreutz, Luc & Spithoven, Merel (2019): Hunting beneath the waves. Bone and antler points from North Sea Doggerland off the Dutch coast. in: Groß, D. / Lübke, Harald / Meadows, J. / Jantzen, Detlef (eds.): Working at the Sharp End: From Bone and Antler to Early Mesolithic Life in Northern Europe, Untersuchungen und Materialien zur Steinzeit in Schleswig-Holstein und im Ostseeraum 10, 1-22, Neumünster
- Anderes, Caroline (2009): Fiche matières osseuses dans la facture d'instruments de musique gréco-romains. in: Clodoré-Tissot, Tinaig / Le Gonidec, Marie-Barbara / Ramseyer, Denis / Anderes, Caroline (eds.): Instruments sonores du Néolithique à l'aube de l'Antiquité, Fiches de la Commission de nomenclature sur l'industrie de l'os préhistorique 12, 75-82, Paris
- Anderes, Caroline (2008): La collection de tabletterie du Musée romain de Nyon (CH). in: Bertrand, Isabelle (ed.): Le travail de l'os, du bois de cerf et de la corne à l'époque romaine: un artisanat en marge? Actes de la table ronde instrumentum, Chauvigny (Vienne), 8-9 décembre 2005, Monographies instrumentum 34, 269-274, Montagnac
- Anders, Alexandra / Kulcsár, Gabriella / Kalla, Gábor / Kiss, Viktória / Szabó, Gabór V. (2013): Moments in Time. Papers Presented to Pál Raczky on His 60th Birthday, Ősrégészeti Tanulmányok / Prehistoric Studies 1, Budapest
- Anders, Alexandra & Siklósi, Zsuzsanna (2012): The First Neolithic Sites in Central/South-East European Transect Volume III. The Körös Culture in Eastern Hungary, British Archaeological Reports International Series 2334
- Andersen, Erik & Nørgård, Anna (2009): Et uldsejl til Oselven. Arbejdsrapport om fremstillingen af et uldsejl til en traditionel vestnorsk båd, Roskilde
- Andersen, H. Hellmuth / Crabb, P. J. / Madsen, Helge J. (1971): Århus Søndervold: en Byarkæologisk Undersøgelse, Jysk Arkaeologisk Selskabs Skrifter 9, Copenhagen
- Anderson, Patricia / Rodet-Belarbi, Isabelle / Moreno-Garcia, Marta (2015): Sickles with Teeth and Bone Anvils. in: van Gijn, Annelou / Whittaker, John C. / Anderson, Patricia (eds.): Explaining and Exploring Diversity in Agricultural Technology, Early Agricultural Remnants and Technical Heritage 2, 118-132, Oxford
- Andersson Strand, Eva / Gleba, Margarita / Mannering, Ulla / Munkholt, Cherine / Ringgaard, Maj (2010): North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles X, Ancient Textiles Series 5, Oxford
- Andés, Louis Edgar (1925): Verarbeitung des Hornes, Elfenbeins, Schildpatts, der Knochen und der Perlmutter, 3. Auflage, Chemisch-technische Bibliothek 117, Wien
- André, Jean-Marie (1991): Jouer dans l'Antiquité, Marseille
- Andrews, Peter (1997): Excavations at Hamwic: Volume 2: Excavations at Six Dials, Council for British Archaeology Research Report 109, London
- Andrews, Phil (1995): Excavations at Redcastle Furze, Thetford 1988–1999, East Anglian Archaeology 72, Gressenhall
- Anonymus, Anonyma (no date): Knochenschiffe
- Anonymus, Anonyma (2004): Mundhygiene vor 250 Jahren. – Archäologie in Deutschland 1/2004, 76
- Anonymus, Anonyma (2000): 100 Stücke Elfenbein – (Mammut-)Elfenbein-Füllfederhalter der Galerie Jansen. – Kult am Pult 2/2000, 24-25
- Anonymus, Anonyma (2000): Восьмая Всероссийская Нумизматическая Конференция [Eighth All-Russian Numismatic Conference], Moscow
- Anonymus, Anonyma (1991): Archéologie d'une vallée : la vallée de l'Aisne des derniers chasseurs-cueilleurs au premier royaume de France, Soissons
- Anonymus, Anonyma (1898): Schlittschuhknochen. – Deutscher Eissport 21, 168
- Anonymus, Anonyma (1898): Schlittschuhknochen (Schluss). – Deutscher Eissport 22, 175-177
- Anonymus, Anonyma (1884): Führer durch die Walfisch-Ausstellung im Garten des Künstler-Vereins und Domsumgang zu Bremen, Bremen
- Anreiter, Peter / Bartosiewicz, Laszlo / Jerem, Erszébet / Meid, Wolfgang (1998): Man and the Animal World – Studies in Archaeozoology, Archaeology, Anthropology and Palaeolinguistics in memoriam Sándor Bökönyi, Budapest
- Ansorge, Jörg (2013): Archäologische Untersuchungen auf der ehemaligen Fährbastion in Stralsund. – Mit einem Exkurs zur Tonpfeifenproduktion in Walbeck (Aller). – Jahrbuch Bodendenkmalpflege in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 60
- Ansorge, Jörg (2011): Bericht zur archäologischen Untersuchung Hansestadt Stralsund Parkhaus Fährwall, Fpl. 303, Schwerin
- Ansorge, Jörg (2011): Kurze Fundberichte Mittelalter/Neuzeit. Hansestadt Stralsund, Fpl. 303. – Jahrbuch Bodendenkmalpflege in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 58, 436-444
- Ansorge, Jörg (2008): Schnuller, Sauger, Nuckel und Co.. – Archäologie in Deutschland 6/2008, 52
- Ansorge, Jörg (2005): Die Wismarer Natternzunge, der Zahn eines fossilen Weißen Haies Cosrnopolitodus hastalis - eine paläontologisch kulturhistorische Spurensuche. in: Schoknecht, Ulrich (ed.): Von Marktbuden und Ziegelschächten. Archäologische, archäobotanische und kulturhistorische Forschungen in den Hansestädten Greifswald und Wismar, Archäologische Berichte aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Beiheft 9, 112-119, Waren
- Antipina, Yekaterina E. (2013): Serrated Iron Sickles and Ancient Bone ‘Rasps’ from the Northern Black Sea Region: Destiny of the Innovation. in: Lang, Felix (ed.): The Sound of Bones. Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group in Salzburg 2011, Archaeo Plus. Schriften zur Archäologie und Archäometrie der Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg 5, 25-31, Salzburg
- Antipina, Yekaterina E. (2001): Bone Tools and Wares from the Site of Gorny (1690 - 1410 BC) in the Kargaly Mining Complex in the South Ural Part of the East European Steppe. in: Choyke, Alice M. & Bartosiewicz, Laszlo (eds.): Crafting Bone: Skeletal Technologies through Time and Space – Proceedings of the 2nd meeting of the (ICAZ) Worked Bone Research Group Budapest, 31 August – 5 September 1999, British Archaeological Reports International Series 937, 171-179, Oxford
- Antonites, Annie R. / Bradfield, Justin / Forssman, T. (2016): Technological, functional and contextual aspects of the K2 and Mapungubwe worked bone industries. – African Archaeological Review 33, 437-463
- Antonovic, Dragana / Vitezović, Selena / Šarić, J. (2019): The Early Neolithic settlement at Velesnica. in: Filipović, V. / Bulatovic, Jelena B. / Kapuran, A. (eds.): Papers in Honour of Rastko Vasić 80th Birthday, 63-70, Beograd
- Apel, Michael / Kuhn, Günter / Rabus, Bernhard (2014): Alles kann Geld sein …, München
- Arabatzis, Christopher (2023): Neolithic bone tool technology and typology from the region of four lakes, Western Macedonia, Greece. – Quaternary International 665-666, 132-144
- Arabatzis, Christopher (2016): Bone industry from the prehistoric settlement Anarghiri IXa, Florina, Greece. in: Vitezović, Selena (ed.): Close to the bone: current studies in bone technologies, 9-17, Beograd
- Arabatzis, Christopher (2013): The Bone Tools from the Neolithic Settlement of Proskinites, Greece. in: Lang, Felix (ed.): The Sound of Bones. Proceedings of the 8th Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group in Salzburg 2011, Archaeo Plus. Schriften zur Archäologie und Archäometrie der Paris Lodron-Universität Salzburg 5, 33-39, Salzburg
- Arazova, R. B. & Skakun, Natalia N. (2017): Bone tools of early farmers of Azerbaijan (based on materials from Alikemektepesi settlement). – Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes 2, 218-225
- Arie, Eran (2019): Pomegranate and Poppy-Capsule Headings from Ivory and Bone in the Late Bronze and Iron Ages: Putting the Famous Inscribed Ivory Pomegranate in Context. – Israel Museum Studies in Archaeology 9, 2-39
- Ariel, Donald T. (1990): Imported Stamped Amphora Handles, Coins, Worked Bone and Ivory, and Glass, Excavations at the City of David 1978-1985, Volume II, Quedem 30, Jerusalem
- Armitage, Philip L. (1989): The Use of Animal Bones as Building Material in Post-Medieval Britain. in: Serjeantson, Dale & Waldron, Tony (eds.): Diet and Crafts in Towns – The evidence of animal remains from the Roman to the Post-Medieval periods, British Archaeological Reports British Series 199, 147-160, Oxford
- Armitage, Philip L. (1989): Gazetteer of Sites with Animal Bones used as Building Material. in: Serjeantson, Dale & Waldron, Tony (eds.): Diet and Crafts in Towns – The evidence of animal remains from the Roman to the Post-Medieval periods, British Archaeological Reports British Series 199, 201-223, Oxford
- Armstrong, A. L. (1936): A bull-roarer of Mousterian age from Pinhole Cave, Cresswell Crags. – Antiquaries Journal 16, 322-323
- Arndt, Betty (2010): Ein Exot im kühlen Norden: Zu einem Papageiengriff aus Göttingen. – Archäologie in Niedersachsen 13, 86-90
- Arndt, Betty & Ströbl, Andreas (2005): Abfälle eines Knochenschnitzers im hochmittelalterlichen "gutingi". – Archäologie in Niedersachsen 8, 45-49
- Arndt, Sandra & Newcomer, Mark (1986): Breakage Patterns on Prehistoric Bone Points: An Experimental Study. in: Roe, Derek A. (ed.): Studies in the Upper Palaeolithic of Britain and Northwest Europe, British Archaeological Reports International Series 296, 165-173, Oxford
- Arneborg, Jette (2021): Early European and Greenlandic walrus hunting: Motivations, techniques and practices. in: Keighley, Xénia / Olsen, Morten Tange / Jordan, Peter / Desjardins, Sean P. A. (eds.): The Atlantic Walrus. Multidisciplinary insights Into human-animal interactions, 149-167, London
- Artioli, Gilberto / Nociti, Vincenzo / Angelini, Ivana (2011): Gambling with Etruscan Dice: a Tale of Numbers and Letters. – Archaeometry 53(5), 1031-1043
- Ashby, Steven Paul (2020): Technology: Making Things in Medieval Northern Europe. in: Lund, Julie & Semple, Sarah (eds.): A Cultural History of Objects in the Medieval Age, A Cultural History of Objects 2, London
- Ashby, Steven Paul & Sindbaek, Soren M (2019): Crafts and Social Networks in Viking Towns, Oxford
- Ashby, Steven Paul & Sindbaek, Soren M (2019): Crafts and Social Networks in Viking Town. in: Ashby, Steven Paul & Sindbaek, Soren M (eds.): Crafts and Social Networks in Viking Towns, 1-30, Oxford
- Ashby, Steven Paul (2019): Combs. in: Griffiths, J. Harrison & Athanson, M. (eds.): Beside the Ocean: Coastal Landscapes at the Bay of Skaill, Marwick, and Birsay Bay, Orkney: Archaeological Research 2003-18, 243-251, Oxford
- Ashby, Steven Paul (2016): Worked bone on the Wolds: a review of what we know about bone industry and objects in the Chalk Hills of Yorkshire’s North and East Ridings. in: Vitezović, Selena (ed.): Close to the bone: current studies in bone technologies, 18-27, Beograd
- Ashby, Steven Paul (2015): With staff in hand, and dog at heel’? What did it mean to be an ‘itinerant’ artisan?. in: Hansen, Gitte / Ashby, Steven Paul / Baug, Irene (eds.): Everyday Products in the Middle Ages. Crafts, Consumption and the Individual in Northern Europe c. AD 800-1600, 11-27, Oxford
- Ashby, Steven Paul / Coutu, Ashley / Sindbaek, Soren M (2015): Urban Networks and Arctic Outlands: Craft Specialists and Reindeer Antler in Viking Towns. – European Journal of Archaeology 19 (4)
- Ashby, Steven Paul (2014): A Viking Way of Life. Combs and Communities in Britain and Scandinavia, c. AD 800-1100, Stroud
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