References Detail


created at: 2010-02-26
Media Type: Article in Journal
Author Betts, Matthew W.
Year: 2007
Title: The Mackenzie Inuit Whale Bone Industry: Raw Material, Tool Manufacture, Scheduling, and Trade
Volume: 60(2)
Page No: 129-144
Time Period 1500 - 2000 AD, 1000 - 1500 AD
European timeline Middle Ages
Super Region North America
Class of Artefact fishing instrument, ice skate / sledge runner, tool, weapon, working waste
Theme chaine d'operation, economy, ethnoarchaeology, function, material culture, technology
Assemblage Type settlement site
Material bone
Miscellaneous worked bone
Taxon – wild animals Cetacea
Subject species identification
Further Information
Location: Knochenarbeit
