References Detail back created at: 2012-11-01 Media Type: Article in Edited Volume Author Gostencnik, Kordula Year: 2003 Title: Elk Antler as a Material of Manufacture. Finds from Late Republican/Early Imperial ‘Old Virunum’ on the Magdalensberg in Carinthia, southern Austria Editor Riddler, Ian D. Edited Volume Title: Materials of Manufacture. The choice of materials in the working of bone and antler in northern and central Europe during the first millennium AD SeriesBritish Archaeological Reports International Series Volume: 1193 Page No: 1-14 Printing Place: Oxford PublisherArchaeopress ISBN: 1 84171 559 X Keywords Time Period 0 - 500 AD European timeline Roman Time Super Region Europe Class of Artefact part of composite object, working waste Assemblage Type town Material antler Miscellaneous worked bone Further Information Location: Signature: back