References Detail


created at: 2013-02-01
Media Type: Article in Edited Volume
Authors Jacob, Dorit E. / Stracke, Andreas / Wiegand, Bettina / Dindorf, Willi
Year: 2008
Title: Tracing ivory by its chemical and isotopic composition
Editors Roth, J. & Bortolaso, Giovanna
Edited Volume Title: Ivory and Species Conservation. Proceedings of INCENTIVS – Meetings (2004 - 2007)
SeriesBundesamt für Naturschutz Skripten
Volume: 228
Page No: 93-99
Printing Place: Bonn
PublisherBundesamt für Naturschutz
Material ivory / teeth
Miscellaneous worked bone
Taxon – wild animals Proboscidea
Subject biomolecular research
Further Information
Location: Knochenarbeit
