References Detail


created at: 2018-11-02
Media Type: Article in Journal
Authors Houmard, Claire & Grønnow, Bjarne
Year: 2017
Title: A Technological Study of a Canadian Thule Type-Site: Naujan (ca. AD 1300-1900)
Volume: 114(3)
Page No: 445-468
JournalBulletin de la Société préhistorique française
Time Period 1500 - 2000 AD, 1000 - 1500 AD
European timeline Modern, Early Modern Time, Middle Ages
Super Region North America, Arctic
Class of Artefact ice skate / sledge runner, tool, weapon, working waste
Theme chaine d'operation, material culture, technical style
Assemblage Type settlement site
Material antler, bone, horn, ivory / teeth
Taxon – wild animals Bovidae, Cervidae, Carnivora terrestric (Fissipedia), Carnivora marine (Pinnipedia), Cetacea, Aves
